Contest Summary
Contest is finished, last racing day of 11th edition Xmas Cup 2018 is over. And here are the winners:
1st place for WITOLD ROZAK (WRW/Poland): 1872 points
2nd place for JAN MICHÁLEK (Y77/Czech republic): 1819 points
3rd place for MARCIN MAY (MAY/Poland): 1812 points
Thanks goes to all participating pilots for joining us in the sky over New Zealand mountains and also thanks to the tasksetter Radek Miča (RUM). Big thank you goes to Miloš "Cadfael" Koch (MK) and his condorworld.eu for hosting Condor servers. We wish you all Happy New Year 2019!
And don't forget: New Year Fivehundreds (500+ km task, will be not counted in overall score in this contest) will have server start on Tuesday - January 1st, 2019 at 19:00/20:00/21:00 CET (18:00/19:00/20:00 UTC), briefing will be available on website too.
Latest News
Contest brief info
RACING DAYS: Day 1: 27.12.2018 / Day 2: 28.12.2018 / Day 3: 29.12.2018 / Day 4: 30.12.2018
SERVER / START TIME: Xmas Cup 2018 at 20:00 CET (19:00 UTC)
SCENERY: NewZealand [0.8] for [C2]
TASKS: 18-meter Class, distance about 300 km, PDA allowed, cloudflying is not allowed
Hall of Fame: Our Donors
In Condor SEASON 2018/19 we appreciate DONATE SUPPORT from these dear pilots: Adam Janecki (GLI), Fransois Seijffert (SOI), Winfried Deppe (WD), Martin Dvořák (CCC), Alex Holswilder (V3), Helmut Künne (F9) & Miloš "Cadfael" Koch (MK).
If you like the job we do for you, feel free to support us and make small donation. Thanks a lot to all our supporters and friends!